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Journal Publications & Book Chapters

Galvis, S. N., Burton, D., Barnds, B., Anderson, J., Schwend, R., Price, N., Wilson, S. E., and Friis, E. A. (in press). The Effect of Scoliotic Deformity on Spine Biomechanics in Adolescents. Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders.


Riley,  A.E. Craig, T. D., Sharma, N. K.,  Billinger, S. A. and Wilson, S. E. "Novice lifters exhibit a more kyphotic lifting posture than experienced lifters in straight-leg lifting," J Biomech, vol. 48, pp. 1693-9, 2015 (,

PMID: 26077846.


Keefer, M.W., Wilson, S.E., Dankowicz, H, Loui, M.C., “The Importance of Formative Assessment in Science and Engineering Ethics Education: Some Evidence and Practical Advice”, Science and Engineering Ethics, 20(1), pp. 249-60, 2014


Wilson, S.E., Alkalay, R.N., Myers, E., “Effect of the Degenerative State of the Intervertebral Disk on the Impact Characteristics of Human Spine Segments”, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 1(16), pp. 1-9, 2013.


Wilson, S.E., “Research Ethics Education: The View From Early Career Faculty”, Teaching Ethics, 12(2), pp. 119-126, 2012.


Maduri, A., Wilson, S.E., “Lumbar Position Sense with Extreme Lumbar Angle”, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 19(4), pp. 607-613, 2009.


Soltys, J.S., Wilson, S.E., "Directional Sensitivity of Velocity Sense in Lateral Trunk Flexion", Journal of Applied Biomechanics 24(3), pp. 244-251, 2008.


Maduri, A. Pearson, B.L., and Wilson, S.E., “Lumbar-Pelvic Range and Coordination During Lifting Tasks”, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 18(5), pp. 807-814, 2008.


Wilson, S.E. and Soltys, J.S., “Vibration and the Sensory System”, Chapter 7 in “Biomedical Applications of Vibration and Acoustics in Therapy, Bioeffects and Modeling”, Al-Jumaily, A. (ed.), ASME Press, 2008.
Li, L., Lamis, F., and Wilson, S.E., “Whole Body Vibration Alters Proprioception in the Trunk”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 38(9-10), pp. 792-800, 2008.


Arashanapalli, M., and Wilson, S.E. “Paraspinal Muscle Vibration Alters Dynamic Stabilization in the Trunk”, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 130(2), pp. 021001, 2008.


Gade, V.K.R., Wilson, S.E., “Position Sense in the Lumbar Spine with Torso Flexion and Loading”, Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 23(2), pp. 93-102, 2007.


Granata, K.P., Wilson, S.E., Massimini, A.K., and Gabriel, R., “Active Stiffness of the Ankle in Response to Inertial and Elastic Loads”, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 14(5), 599-609, 2004.  


Granata, K.P., Slota, G.P., and Wilson, S.E., “Influence of Fatigue in Neuromuscular Control of Spinal Stability”, Human Factors, 46(1), 81-91, 2004.


Schrag, B. (editor), “How to Survive Graduate School and Start Your Career in Science/Engineering”, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Bloomington, Indiana, 2004.  (Wrote several chapters in this publication.)


Wilson, S.E., and Granata, K.P., “Reposition Sense of Lumbar Curvature With Flexed and Asymmetric Lifting Postures”, Spine, 28(5), 513-8, 2003.


Granata, K.P., Wilson, S.E., and Padua, D.A., “Gender Differences in Active Muscle Elastic Stiffness.  1. Quantification in Controlled Measurements”, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 12, 119-126, 2002.


Granata, K.P., Padua, D.A., and Wilson, S.E., “Gender Differences in Active Muscle Elastic Stiffness.  2. Part II. Quantification of Leg Stiffness during Functional Hopping Tasks”, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 12, 127-135, 2002.


Granata, K.P., Wilson, S.E., “Trunk Posture and Spinal Stability”, Clinical Biomechanics, 16(8), 650-659, 2001.    


Schrag, B. (editor), Research Ethics: Cases and Commentaries, vol. 2, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Bloomington, Indiana, 1998. (Wrote one case and commentary for this volume.)


Myers, E.R. and Wilson, S.E., "Biomechanics of Osteoporosis and Vertebral Fracture", Spine, 22(24S), 25S-31S, 1997.


Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceedings

Craig, T.D., Riley, A.E., Sharma, N.K., and Wilson, S.E., “Muscle Activation in Cyclic Lifting with Trained Lumbar-Pelvic Coordination” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, MD, 2016.


Cadel, E. “The Use of Individual Motion Units to Analyze In Vivo Total Thoracolumbar Motion in Healthy Older Adults” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, MD, 2016.


Rollando, A.K., Wilson, S.E., Waller, S.E., Gilroy, R., Stiles, J.M. “Development of a Novel Fistula Occlusion Device” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, MD, 2016.


Hodes, A.T., Weiner, C.P., Fang, H., Kieweg. S.K., Wilson, S.E., “Filtering Techniques for Accurate Identification of Clinician Hand Posture”, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX, 2015.


Gul, M.I., Craig, T.D., Sharma, N.K., and Wilson, S.E., “Changes In The Range Of Motion Envelope Of The Lumbar Spine With Repetitive Lifting”, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Snow Bird, Utah, 2015.


Craig, T.D., Riley, A.E., Billinger, S.A, Sharma, N.K., and Wilson, S.E., “Lumbar-Pelvic Coordination Differences Between Novice And Experienced Lifters In Repetitive Lifting”, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Snow Bird, Utah, 2015.


Craig, T.D., Riley, A.E., Billinger, S.A, Sharma, N.K., and Wilson, S.E., “Metabolic Consumption Using Different Repetitive Lifting Strategies”, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Snow Bird, Utah, 2015.


Wilson, S.E., “Student Learning and Development in the Context of Dissertation Research” ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Springfield, MO, 2015.


Craig, T.D., Riley, A.E., Sharma, N.E., Billinger, S.A, Wilson, S.E. “Lumbar Angle in the Extension Phase of Repetitive Lifting Increases Over Time”, World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, 2014.


Riley, A.E., Craig, T.D., Sharma, N.E., Billinger, S.A, Wilson, S.E. “Lumbar Angle during Extension in Lifting can be Altered through Training”, World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, 2014.


Krishnan, B., Wilson, S.E., “Assessment of Arm Motions with Fall Direction in Human Subjects”, World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, 2014.


Craig, T.D., Wilson, S.E. “Dynamic Lumbar Pursuit Task With Occupational Whole-Body Vibration Exposure”, American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE, 2013.


Friis, E.A., Wilson, S.E. “Developing Entrepreneurial Thinking in University of Kansas Bioengineering Students”, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sun River, OR, 2013.


Schwartz, C., Kieweg, S., Weiner, C., Wilson, S.E. “Obstetrician Hand Pressures During Mock Deliveries”, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sun River, OR, 2013.


Wilson, S.E., “Developing Engineering Specific Responsible Conduct of Research Curriculum” ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Salina, KS, 2013.


Thomas, A., Craig, T., Wilson, S.E., Blair, L., Friis, E.A., “Elementary School Lesson Plans on the Response of the Body to Sensory Input”, NSF EEC Grantees conference, Arlington, VA, 2012.


Craig, T.D., Soltys, J.S. and Wilson S.E., “Investigating The Etiology Of Vibration-Induced Low Back Pain”, Amer. Society of Biomechanics Annual Conference, Gainesville, FL, 2012.


Soltys, J.S. and Wilson S.E., “Cortical Activations During a Joystick Pursuit Task with Modulated Spindle Afferents”, Amer. Society of Biomechanics Annual Conference, Gainesville, FL, 2012.


Soltys, J, Wilson, S.E., “The Role Of The Central Nervous System In The Integration Of Proprioceptive Activity”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Fajardo, PR, 2012.


Wilson, S.E., Keefer, M.W., Dankowicz, H, Loui, M.C., “Responsible Conduct Of Research In Computational Modeling”, ASME IMECE, Houston, TX, 2012.


Keefer, M.W., Wilson , S.E., and Cooley, N. “Responding to Computational Modeling Cases: The Importance of Informal Assessment”, 13th International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum, St. Louis, MO, 2011.


Soltys, J, Wilson, S.E. “A Pneumatic Vibrator Created Using Rapid Prototyping”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Nemacolin, PA, 2011.


Wilson, S.E., “Responsible Conduct of Research in Engineering: Addressing the America COMPETES Act”, ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Lawrence, KS, 2010.


Wilson, S.E., Tenpas, P.W., Dougherty, R.L, Depcik, C.D., Fischer, K. “Evaluating Student Learning Across the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum”, ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Lawrence, KS, 2010.


Kieweg, S.L., Wilson, S.E., Markovich, G., Simons, S., Manamendra, H. and Weiner, C.P., “Biomechanics of Birth – the Fallacy of Gentle Birth: Physician Exerted Pressures in Vaginal and Cesarean Delivery”, 6thWorld Congress on Biomechanics, Singapore, 2010.


Reddy, V.A.H., Channamallu, R.R., and Wilson, S.E., “Neuromotor Transmissibility of Horizontal Seatpan Vibration and A Mathematical Model”, 3rd American Conference on Human Vibration, Iowa City, IA, 2010.


Channamallu, R.R., Jorgensen, M.J., and Wilson, S.E., “Dynamic Lumbar Tracking With Occupational Whole-Body Vibration Exposure”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, MA 2008.


Lamis, F., and Wilson, S.E., “Neuromotor Effects Of Whole Body Horizontal Vibration”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Marco Island, Fl, 2008.


Soltys, J. and Wilson, S.E., “The Effects Of Local Vibration On A Joystick Pursuit-Task”, American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, 2008.


Wilson, S.E. “Teaching Responsible Conduct Of Research And Engineering To Bioengineering Graduate Students”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Marco Island, Fl, 2008.


Abraham, P.M. and Wilson, S.E., “Effects of a Lumbar Belt on Neuromotor Transmission of Whole Body Vibration”, ASME IMECE, Seattle, WA, 2007.


Soltys, J.S., and Wilson, S.E., “Seated Postural Sway is Sensitive to Local Vibration”, Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, Blacksburg, VA, 2006.


Craig, T.D., and Wilson, S.E., “Principal Component Analysis Demonstrates Trunk Muscle Activation Pattern Variation with Fall Direction”, Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, Blacksburg, VA, 2006.


Abraham, P.M. and Wilson, S.E., “Whole Body Vibration and Neuromuscular Response”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Amelie Island, Florida, 2006.


Wilson, S.E., Li, L. and Arashanapalli, M., “Neuromotor Habituation as a Mechanism for Vibration Induced Low Back Pain”, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, 1st American Conference on Human Vibration, Morgantown, WV, 2006.


Wilson, S.E., “Occupational Vibration Alters Neuromuscular Response in the Low Back”, National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Symposium 2006: Research Makes a Difference, Washington, DC, 2006.


Li, L. and Wilson, S.E., “Effect Of Whole Body Vibration On Reposition Sense and Dynamic Low Back Stability”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Vail, CO, 2005.


Wilson, S.E. and Li, L., “The Sensorimotor System in Dynamic Feedback Models of Trunk Dynamics”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Vail, CO, 2005.


Arashanapalli, M., and Wilson, S.E., “Vibration Alters Proprioception and Dynamic Low Back Stability”, XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Cleveland, OH, 2005.


Soltys, J.S., and Wilson, S.E., “Velocity Sense in the Lumbar Spine is Modulated by the Vestibular and Proprioceptive Systems”, XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Cleveland, OH, 2005.


Saripalli, A., and Wilson, S.E., “Dynamic Ankle Stability and Ankle Orientation”, 7th Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics, Cleveland, OH, 2005.


Wilson, S.E. and Zhang, F., “Occupational Vibration and Position Sense”, Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, Portland, Oregon, 2004.


Briant, K, and Wilson, S.E., “Abdominal Back Belts and Low Back Position Sense”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2004. 


Maduri, A., and Wilson, S.E., “Reposition Sense Error in Extreme Lumbar Postures”, 21st Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2004.


Zhang, F.,  and Wilson, S.E., “Multifidus Vibration Causes a Persistent Increase in Position Error”, 21st Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2004.


Maduri, A., Anderson, B., and Wilson, S.E., “Lumbar-Pelvic Coordination is Altered in Heavy Lifting Tasks”, American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Toledo, OH, September 2003.


Gade, V.K. and Wilson, S.E., “Variation of Reposition Sense in the Lumbar Spine with Torso Flexion and Moment Load”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne, FL, 2003.


Bennett, B., Abel, M. F., Granata, K. P. and Wilson, S. E., “Effects of Idiopathic Scoliosis on Sitting Postural Control”, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 25, S26-S27, 2003.


Wilson, S.E., “Research Ethics in Computation Modeling,” Assoc. for Practical and Professional Ethics Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, 2003.


Wilson, S.E., Granata. K.P., Chan, D., Blanco, J.S., and Abel, M.F., “Effects of Idiopathic Scoliosis on Dynamic Lumbar Motion”, Scoliosis Research Society, Cleveland, OH, 2001.


Wilson, S.E. and Granata, K.P., “Reposition Sense of Lumbar Posture as a Function of Torso Angle and Target Lordosis”, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Minneapolis, MN, 2001.


Granata, K.P., Slota, G.P., Wilson, S.E. and Massimini, A.K. “Fatigue Induced Risk of Spinal Instability During Manual Materials Handling”, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Minneapolis, MN, 2001.


Wilson, S.E. and Granata, K.P., “Active Knee Joint Stiffness Decreases After Fatigue”, Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, Chicago, IL, 2000.


Granata, K.P. and Wilson, S.E., “Gender Differences in Active Knee Joint Stiffness”, Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, Chicago, IL, 2000.


Granata, K.P. and Wilson, S.E., “Stiffness Control in Simulation of Human Movement”,  SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering, Detroit, MI, 2000.


Pritchard, M.S., Wilson, S.E. and Fielder, T., “Graduate Research Ethics Education,” Office of Research Integrity Research Conference, Washington, DC, 2000.


Wilson, S.E., and Myers, E.R., “Forces on the Spine During a Fall in Which Torso Muscles are Active”, 23rd Ann. Meet. of the Amer. Soc. of Biomech., Abstract #90, Pittsburgh, PA, 1999.


Wilson, S.E., McMahon, T.A., and Myers, E.R., “Impact Dynamics of the Spine and the Effect of Degeneration”, 23rd Ann. Meet. of the Amer. Soc. of Biomech., Abstract #89, Pittsburgh, PA, 1999.


Wilson, S.E., and Myers, E.R., “Examination of the Risk of Age-Related Vertebral Fracture as a Result of a Fall From Standing Height”, 2nd Conference on the Development of Technology in Medicine in Virginia, Session C1, Charlottesville, VA, 1999.


Wilson, S.E. and Myers, E.R., "A Model to Predict the Compressive Forces Associated with  Age-related Vertebral Fractures of Thoracolumbar Vertebrae", Trans. of the 42nd Ann. Meet. of the Orthop. Res. Soc., p. 252, Orlando, FL, 1996.


Myers, E.R. and Wilson, S.E., "Vertebral Fractures in the Elderly Occur with Falling and Bending", Journal of Bone and Min. Res., p. S355, Abstract M693, 1996.


Wilson, S.E. and Myers, E.R., " Spine Models to Estimate the Risk of Vertebral Fracture", 1995  Ann. Fall Meet. of the Biomedical Eng. Soc., p. 492, Boston, MA, 1995.


Sharma, A., Wilson, S.E., and Roy, R.J., "Autoregressive Modeling of EEG Signals for Monitoring Anesthetic Levels", IEEE Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Kingston, RI, 1992.

Craig, T.D., Riley, A.E., Sharma, N.K., and Wilson, S.E., “Muscle Activation in Cyclic Lifting with Trained Lumbar-Pelvic Coordination” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, MD, 2016.


Cadel, E. “The Use of Individual Motion Units to Analyze In Vivo Total Thoracolumbar Motion in Healthy Older Adults” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, MD, 2016.


Rollando, A.K., Wilson, S.E., Waller, S.E., Gilroy, R., Stiles, J.M. “Development of a Novel Fistula Occlusion Device” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, MD, 2016.


Hodes, A.T., Weiner, C.P., Fang, H., Kieweg. S.K., Wilson, S.E., “Filtering Techniques for Accurate Identification of Clinician Hand Posture”, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX, 2015.


Gul, M.I., Craig, T.D., Sharma, N.K., and Wilson, S.E., “Changes In The Range Of Motion Envelope Of The Lumbar Spine With Repetitive Lifting”, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Snow Bird, Utah, 2015.


Craig, T.D., Riley, A.E., Billinger, S.A, Sharma, N.K., and Wilson, S.E., “Lumbar-Pelvic Coordination Differences Between Novice And Experienced Lifters In Repetitive Lifting”, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Snow Bird, Utah, 2015.


Craig, T.D., Riley, A.E., Billinger, S.A, Sharma, N.K., and Wilson, S.E., “Metabolic Consumption Using Different Repetitive Lifting Strategies”, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Snow Bird, Utah, 2015.


Wilson, S.E., “Student Learning and Development in the Context of Dissertation Research” ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Springfield, MO, 2015.


Craig, T.D., Riley, A.E., Sharma, N.E., Billinger, S.A, Wilson, S.E. “Lumbar Angle in the Extension Phase of Repetitive Lifting Increases Over Time”, World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, 2014.


Riley, A.E., Craig, T.D., Sharma, N.E., Billinger, S.A, Wilson, S.E. “Lumbar Angle during Extension in Lifting can be Altered through Training”, World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, 2014.


Krishnan, B., Wilson, S.E., “Assessment of Arm Motions with Fall Direction in Human Subjects”, World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, 2014.


Craig, T.D., Wilson, S.E. “Dynamic Lumbar Pursuit Task With Occupational Whole-Body Vibration Exposure”, American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE, 2013.


Friis, E.A., Wilson, S.E. “Developing Entrepreneurial Thinking in University of Kansas Bioengineering Students”, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sun River, OR, 2013.


Schwartz, C., Kieweg, S., Weiner, C., Wilson, S.E. “Obstetrician Hand Pressures During Mock Deliveries”, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sun River, OR, 2013.


Wilson, S.E., “Developing Engineering Specific Responsible Conduct of Research Curriculum” ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Salina, KS, 2013.


Thomas, A., Craig, T., Wilson, S.E., Blair, L., Friis, E.A., “Elementary School Lesson Plans on the Response of the Body to Sensory Input”, NSF EEC Grantees conference, Arlington, VA, 2012.


Craig, T.D., Soltys, J.S. and Wilson S.E., “Investigating The Etiology Of Vibration-Induced Low Back Pain”, Amer. Society of Biomechanics Annual Conference, Gainesville, FL, 2012.


Soltys, J.S. and Wilson S.E., “Cortical Activations During a Joystick Pursuit Task with Modulated Spindle Afferents”, Amer. Society of Biomechanics Annual Conference, Gainesville, FL, 2012.


Soltys, J, Wilson, S.E., “The Role Of The Central Nervous System In The Integration Of Proprioceptive Activity”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Fajardo, PR, 2012.


Wilson, S.E., Keefer, M.W., Dankowicz, H, Loui, M.C., “Responsible Conduct Of Research In Computational Modeling”, ASME IMECE, Houston, TX, 2012.


Keefer, M.W., Wilson , S.E., and Cooley, N. “Responding to Computational Modeling Cases: The Importance of Informal Assessment”, 13th International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum, St. Louis, MO, 2011.


Soltys, J, Wilson, S.E. “A Pneumatic Vibrator Created Using Rapid Prototyping”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Nemacolin, PA, 2011.


Wilson, S.E., “Responsible Conduct of Research in Engineering: Addressing the America COMPETES Act”, ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Lawrence, KS, 2010.


Wilson, S.E., Tenpas, P.W., Dougherty, R.L, Depcik, C.D., Fischer, K. “Evaluating Student Learning Across the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum”, ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Lawrence, KS, 2010.


Kieweg, S.L., Wilson, S.E., Markovich, G., Simons, S., Manamendra, H. and Weiner, C.P., “Biomechanics of Birth – the Fallacy of Gentle Birth: Physician Exerted Pressures in Vaginal and Cesarean Delivery”, 6thWorld Congress on Biomechanics, Singapore, 2010.


Reddy, V.A.H., Channamallu, R.R., and Wilson, S.E., “Neuromotor Transmissibility of Horizontal Seatpan Vibration and A Mathematical Model”, 3rd American Conference on Human Vibration, Iowa City, IA, 2010.


Channamallu, R.R., Jorgensen, M.J., and Wilson, S.E., “Dynamic Lumbar Tracking With Occupational Whole-Body Vibration Exposure”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, MA 2008.


Lamis, F., and Wilson, S.E., “Neuromotor Effects Of Whole Body Horizontal Vibration”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Marco Island, Fl, 2008.


Soltys, J. and Wilson, S.E., “The Effects Of Local Vibration On A Joystick Pursuit-Task”, American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, 2008.


Wilson, S.E. “Teaching Responsible Conduct Of Research And Engineering To Bioengineering Graduate Students”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Marco Island, Fl, 2008.


Abraham, P.M. and Wilson, S.E., “Effects of a Lumbar Belt on Neuromotor Transmission of Whole Body Vibration”, ASME IMECE, Seattle, WA, 2007.


Soltys, J.S., and Wilson, S.E., “Seated Postural Sway is Sensitive to Local Vibration”, Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, Blacksburg, VA, 2006.


Craig, T.D., and Wilson, S.E., “Principal Component Analysis Demonstrates Trunk Muscle Activation Pattern Variation with Fall Direction”, Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, Blacksburg, VA, 2006.


Abraham, P.M. and Wilson, S.E., “Whole Body Vibration and Neuromuscular Response”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Amelie Island, Florida, 2006.


Wilson, S.E., Li, L. and Arashanapalli, M., “Neuromotor Habituation as a Mechanism for Vibration Induced Low Back Pain”, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, 1st American Conference on Human Vibration, Morgantown, WV, 2006.


Wilson, S.E., “Occupational Vibration Alters Neuromuscular Response in the Low Back”, National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Symposium 2006: Research Makes a Difference, Washington, DC, 2006.


Li, L. and Wilson, S.E., “Effect Of Whole Body Vibration On Reposition Sense and Dynamic Low Back Stability”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Vail, CO, 2005.


Wilson, S.E. and Li, L., “The Sensorimotor System in Dynamic Feedback Models of Trunk Dynamics”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Vail, CO, 2005.


Arashanapalli, M., and Wilson, S.E., “Vibration Alters Proprioception and Dynamic Low Back Stability”, XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Cleveland, OH, 2005.


Soltys, J.S., and Wilson, S.E., “Velocity Sense in the Lumbar Spine is Modulated by the Vestibular and Proprioceptive Systems”, XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Cleveland, OH, 2005.


Saripalli, A., and Wilson, S.E., “Dynamic Ankle Stability and Ankle Orientation”, 7th Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics, Cleveland, OH, 2005.


Wilson, S.E. and Zhang, F., “Occupational Vibration and Position Sense”, Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, Portland, Oregon, 2004.


Briant, K, and Wilson, S.E., “Abdominal Back Belts and Low Back Position Sense”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2004. 


Maduri, A., and Wilson, S.E., “Reposition Sense Error in Extreme Lumbar Postures”, 21st Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2004.


Zhang, F.,  and Wilson, S.E., “Multifidus Vibration Causes a Persistent Increase in Position Error”, 21st Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2004.


Maduri, A., Anderson, B., and Wilson, S.E., “Lumbar-Pelvic Coordination is Altered in Heavy Lifting Tasks”, American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Toledo, OH, September 2003.


Gade, V.K. and Wilson, S.E., “Variation of Reposition Sense in the Lumbar Spine with Torso Flexion and Moment Load”, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne, FL, 2003.


Bennett, B., Abel, M. F., Granata, K. P. and Wilson, S. E., “Effects of Idiopathic Scoliosis on Sitting Postural Control”, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 25, S26-S27, 2003.


Wilson, S.E., “Research Ethics in Computation Modeling,” Assoc. for Practical and Professional Ethics Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, 2003.


Wilson, S.E., Granata. K.P., Chan, D., Blanco, J.S., and Abel, M.F., “Effects of Idiopathic Scoliosis on Dynamic Lumbar Motion”, Scoliosis Research Society, Cleveland, OH, 2001.


Wilson, S.E. and Granata, K.P., “Reposition Sense of Lumbar Posture as a Function of Torso Angle and Target Lordosis”, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Minneapolis, MN, 2001.


Granata, K.P., Slota, G.P., Wilson, S.E. and Massimini, A.K. “Fatigue Induced Risk of Spinal Instability During Manual Materials Handling”, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Minneapolis, MN, 2001.


Wilson, S.E. and Granata, K.P., “Active Knee Joint Stiffness Decreases After Fatigue”, Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, Chicago, IL, 2000.


Granata, K.P. and Wilson, S.E., “Gender Differences in Active Knee Joint Stiffness”, Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, Chicago, IL, 2000.


Granata, K.P. and Wilson, S.E., “Stiffness Control in Simulation of Human Movement”,  SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering, Detroit, MI, 2000.


Pritchard, M.S., Wilson, S.E. and Fielder, T., “Graduate Research Ethics Education,” Office of Research Integrity Research Conference, Washington, DC, 2000.


Wilson, S.E., and Myers, E.R., “Forces on the Spine During a Fall in Which Torso Muscles are Active”, 23rd Ann. Meet. of the Amer. Soc. of Biomech., Abstract #90, Pittsburgh, PA, 1999.


Wilson, S.E., McMahon, T.A., and Myers, E.R., “Impact Dynamics of the Spine and the Effect of Degeneration”, 23rd Ann. Meet. of the Amer. Soc. of Biomech., Abstract #89, Pittsburgh, PA, 1999.


Wilson, S.E., and Myers, E.R., “Examination of the Risk of Age-Related Vertebral Fracture as a Result of a Fall From Standing Height”, 2nd Conference on the Development of Technology in Medicine in Virginia, Session C1, Charlottesville, VA, 1999.


Wilson, S.E. and Myers, E.R., "A Model to Predict the Compressive Forces Associated with  Age-related Vertebral Fractures of Thoracolumbar Vertebrae", Trans. of the 42nd Ann. Meet. of the Orthop. Res. Soc., p. 252, Orlando, FL, 1996.


Myers, E.R. and Wilson, S.E., "Vertebral Fractures in the Elderly Occur with Falling and Bending", Journal of Bone and Min. Res., p. S355, Abstract M693, 1996.


Wilson, S.E. and Myers, E.R., " Spine Models to Estimate the Risk of Vertebral Fracture", 1995  Ann. Fall Meet. of the Biomedical Eng. Soc., p. 492, Boston, MA, 1995.


Sharma, A., Wilson, S.E., and Roy, R.J., "Autoregressive Modeling of EEG Signals for Monitoring Anesthetic Levels", IEEE Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Kingston, RI, 1992.

Invited Research Presentations, Workshops & Conference Panels

Wilson, S.E, Kieweg, S.K., “Biomechanics of Labor and Delivery 101”, Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy: Moving Science Forward Conference, Detroit, MI, May, 2014


Dankowicz, H., Day,, C., Keefer,  M. W.,  Kijowski, D., Loui, M. C., Wilson, S. E. "Responsible conduct in computational modeling and research", Workshop W4 at ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Portland, OR, August 4, 2013.


Hollander, R., Frugoli, J., Freeberg, T.M., Petruska, J.C., Wilson, S.E., Ryan, M., Dudycha, J., McGill, D., “Panel: Research Ethics Education in the University: The View from Early Career Faculty” Assoc. for Practical and Professional Ethics Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, 2011.


Dudycha, J., Freeberg, T.M., Frugoli, J, Goodenough-Lashua, D.A., McGill, D.E., Wilson, S.E., “Roundtable: What I Learned from The Association’s Graduate Research Ethics Education Project (GREE) and what Universities Could Learn from GREE for Research Ethics Education”, Assoc. for Practical and Professional Ethics Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, 2011.


Wilson, S.E., “Responsible Conduct of Research in Engineering”, in the panel “NSF and Engineering Ethics Education”, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, KY, 2010.


Barakat, N. Kemnitzer, S., Puri, I., Wilson, S., Mahajan, R.  “Panel:  The Imperative of Including Ethical and Societal Impact in NSF Funding Proposals” ASME IMECE, Vancouver, Canada, 2010.


Hollander, R.D., Pogue, B.W., Wilson, S.E., and Joyce, K., “Panel: NSF and Engineering Ethics Education”, ASEE Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, June 20-23, 2010.


Wilson, S.E., “Bioengineering at the University of Kansas”, Biophysics Colloquium. Lawrence, KS, 2005.


Wilson, S.E., “What Can Mathematics Teach Us About Low Back Pain?”, Stochastic Adaptive Control Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Lawrence, KS, 2005.


Wilson, S.E., “Biomechanics and Neuromotor Control in Prevention of Low Back Pain”, Center on Aging Department Seminar, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, 2005.


Wilson, S.E., “Engineering Aging: Using Engineering Principles to Understand and Prevent Musculoskeletal Injury in the Elderly “, Life Span Institute Seminar, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2004.


Wilson, S.E., “Ouch My Aching Back: How Engineering Can Be Used to Understand and Prevent Low Back Pain”, Physics Department Seminar, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2003.


Wilson, S.E., “Ouch My Aching Back: How Engineering Can Be Used to Understand and Prevent Low Back Pain”, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department Seminar, Lawrence, KS, 2003.


Wilson, S.E., “Ouch My Aching Back: How Engineering Can Be Used to Understand and Prevent Low Back Pain”, Center for Research Interfacial Structure and Properties, University of  Missouri, Kansas City, MO, 2003.


Wilson, S.E., “Keeping the Spine Stable: The Roles of Coactivation, Proprioception and Coordination in a Healthy Low Back”, Orthopedic Grand Rounds, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, 2002.


Wilson, S.E., “Maintaining a Healthy Low Back: An Engineer's Views on Coactivation, Proprioception and Coordination”, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Grand Rounds, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, 2002.


Wilson, S.E., “The Human as a Robot: Sensors, Wiring and Dynamics Control”,  Mechanical Engineering Department Seminar, University of Kansas,  Lawrence, KS, 2002.

Online Publications

Wilson, S.E, Kieweg, S.K., “Biomechanics of Labor and Delivery 101”, Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy: Moving Science Forward Conference, Detroit, MI, May, 2014


Dankowicz, H., Day,, C., Keefer,  M. W.,  Kijowski, D., Loui, M. C., Wilson, S. E. "Responsible conduct in computational modeling and research", Workshop W4 at ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Portland, OR, August 4, 2013.


Hollander, R., Frugoli, J., Freeberg, T.M., Petruska, J.C., Wilson, S.E., Ryan, M., Dudycha, J., McGill, D., “Panel: Research Ethics Education in the University: The View from Early Career Faculty” Assoc. for Practical and Professional Ethics Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, 2011.


Dudycha, J., Freeberg, T.M., Frugoli, J, Goodenough-Lashua, D.A., McGill, D.E., Wilson, S.E., “Roundtable: What I Learned from The Association’s Graduate Research Ethics Education Project (GREE) and what Universities Could Learn from GREE for Research Ethics Education”, Assoc. for Practical and Professional Ethics Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, 2011.


Wilson, S.E., “Responsible Conduct of Research in Engineering”, in the panel “NSF and Engineering Ethics Education”, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, KY, 2010.


Barakat, N. Kemnitzer, S., Puri, I., Wilson, S., Mahajan, R.  “Panel:  The Imperative of Including Ethical and Societal Impact in NSF Funding Proposals” ASME IMECE, Vancouver, Canada, 2010.


Hollander, R.D., Pogue, B.W., Wilson, S.E., and Joyce, K., “Panel: NSF and Engineering Ethics Education”, ASEE Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, June 20-23, 2010.


Wilson, S.E., “Bioengineering at the University of Kansas”, Biophysics Colloquium. Lawrence, KS, 2005.


Wilson, S.E., “What Can Mathematics Teach Us About Low Back Pain?”, Stochastic Adaptive Control Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Lawrence, KS, 2005.


Wilson, S.E., “Biomechanics and Neuromotor Control in Prevention of Low Back Pain”, Center on Aging Department Seminar, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, 2005.


Wilson, S.E., “Engineering Aging: Using Engineering Principles to Understand and Prevent Musculoskeletal Injury in the Elderly “, Life Span Institute Seminar, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2004.


Wilson, S.E., “Ouch My Aching Back: How Engineering Can Be Used to Understand and Prevent Low Back Pain”, Physics Department Seminar, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2003.


Wilson, S.E., “Ouch My Aching Back: How Engineering Can Be Used to Understand and Prevent Low Back Pain”, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department Seminar, Lawrence, KS, 2003.


Wilson, S.E., “Ouch My Aching Back: How Engineering Can Be Used to Understand and Prevent Low Back Pain”, Center for Research Interfacial Structure and Properties, University of  Missouri, Kansas City, MO, 2003.


Wilson, S.E., “Keeping the Spine Stable: The Roles of Coactivation, Proprioception and Coordination in a Healthy Low Back”, Orthopedic Grand Rounds, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, 2002.


Wilson, S.E., “Maintaining a Healthy Low Back: An Engineer's Views on Coactivation, Proprioception and Coordination”, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Grand Rounds, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, 2002.


Wilson, S.E., “The Human as a Robot: Sensors, Wiring and Dynamics Control”,  Mechanical Engineering Department Seminar, University of Kansas,  Lawrence, KS, 2002.

H. Dankowicz,H, Day,, C., Keefer,  M. W.,  Kijowski, D., Loui, M. C., Wilson, S. E. "Responsible conduct in computational modeling and research", Ethics CORE Collaborative Online Resource Environment,, December 2013.


Wilson, S.E., "A New Dialysis Machine", National Academy of Engineering Online Ethics Center, 2010 (




Waller, Stephen, Wilson, Sara Ellen, McDaniel, Katrina Lynn, Clough, Lisa Ann, Soltys, Joseph: Medication Access Device For Prevention Of Medication Reservoir Contamination University Of Kansas August 22, 2013: US 20130218121 A1



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The University of Kansas

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