Fistulas are a pathological tunnel between two hollow organs or an organ and the skin. If left untreated they can cause abscesses, infections or even death. Less than 25% of enterocutanous fistulas heal spontaneously. A large population of patients presenting with a fistula are non surgical candidates due to age, comorbidities, or other risk factors. This leaves them with few ineffective options. The HMCL at the University of Kansas, in collaboration with physicians at the University of Kansas Medical Center, are working on developing a device to non-surgically repair fistulas using cyanoaccrylates to plug the deformity.
Prototype Development
Prototypes were built on 20 cm of the distal end of Angiodynamics Soft-Vu Berenstein 5F catheters. This would allow for the eventual deployment of the magnetic glue through the 0.97 mm lumen. The solenoid was built on the last 2 cm of the catheter. To create the core of the solenoid, alternating layers of iron paint (Modern Metals Metalic Oxidizing Iron Paint, 49.97% wt) and iron wire (0.35mm) were applied. The final design is shown on the right.
Prototypes have been evaluated in horizontal and vertical configurations for magnetic force. Preliminary results indicate that hollow solenoids of this scale can be used to create a magnetic force that is effective in holding a bolus of a clinically applicable weight.

To be presented: BMES 2017, Phoenix AZ