The Human Motion Control Lab is a diverse research enviornment under PI, Dr. Sara Wilson. Historically the lab has focused on the coordination and stability of the spine, especially in regards to low back pain and scoliosis. More recently, shoulder dystocia has been investigated both clinically and computationally. Additionally, there are several medical devices being designed in the lab in the fields of OB-GYN and Internal Medicine.

Bhargavi Krishnan working with "Baby Hands" to develop a system to better understand the forces applied during child birth.

Alyssa Rollando measuring the magnetic force of a fistula occlusion device prototype.

Several Fistula Occlusion Device prototypes

Mukui Mutunga using the motion capture system to analyze motion of the spine during bending tasks.

Sensors from the motion capture system

Tim Craig demonstrating the experimental position on the shaker table to analyze the effects of vibration on the spine.

People of the Human Motion Control Lab 2016

Lumbar spine

The electronic sensors of "Baby Hands"